Biodegradable means that an item can be fragmented into its organic base elements by bacteria, fungi, or some other ecological process. Biodegradation represents the process of nature breaking down materials into their component parts. Most fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods are biodegradable, expecting that executed the passage of time and the exact biological conditions, they would eventually biodegrade.

Which textiles Are Biodegradable ?

Biodegradable textiles are those textiles that are considered to degrade easily via the natural procedure. With textile, though, the process is a bit more complex. Depending on the chemicals handled on the textile, the process could take longer. Those chemicals might even cause damage to the environment or to the fungi or microorganisms that would normally have helped to break down the textile. 

We adhere to united nation sustainable development goals for which we introduce eco-friendly biodegradable textile for brands who share our ethical and environmental responsibility


Corn fiber / PLA Fiber / poly-lactic acid fiber) is a man-made fiber derived entirely from renewable resources. These fibers have the performance advantages often associated with synthetic materials, and complementing properties of natural products such as cotton and wool.

The process for manufacturing the polymer used to make corn fiber on an industrial scale centers on the fermentation, distillation and polymerization of a simple plant sugar, maize dextrose. The sugars are fermented in a process similar to making yogurt. After fermentation, products are transformed into a high-performance polymer called polylactide, which can then be spun or otherwise processed into corn fiber for use in a wide range of textile applications.

The production and use of corn fiber means less greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are the chief contributor to global climate change. Compostability and chemical recyclability mean that under the right conditions and with the right handling, the complete life cycle of production, consumption, disposal and re-use is neatly closed.

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